भारत के विकास की नई सीढ़ी बन रहा है 'स्किल इंडिया'

तीन वर्षों मे १ करोड से ज्यादा युवाओं के कौशल विकास योजना के तहत प्रशिक्षित किए जाने की बात कही , तब स्किल इंडिया भारत के विकास की नई सीढ़ी बनने जा रहा है, यह विश्वास मन में दृढ़ हो गया..

Valedictory Program on Skill Development conducted at NCUI, Delhi

NYCS Ltd on 24th May 2017 organized the Valedictory Program on Skill Development Training at NCUI, Delhi. The program was organized on the successful completion of the project titled "Generating Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities through Skill Development" conducted by NYCS Ltd. under the CSR sponsorship of Indraprastha Gas Limited through which 420 underprivileged participants were trained under the trades of Gas Plumbing and Fitter...

कौशल विकास – डॉ. कलाम के व्हिजन २०२० की ओर एक कदम

“इंडिया व्हिजन २०२०” – डॉ. ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम का देखा हुआ एक सपना| किसी स्कूल के एक कार्यक्रम में एक छोटी सी बच्ची से जब उन्होंने पूछा कि “क्या है तुम्हारा सपना?” तब उस बच्ची ने कहा कि “मैं विकसित भारत में रहना चाहती हूँ”| उस सपने कों अपना सपना बनाते हुए अपनी किताब “भारत २०२० : नई सहस्त्राब्दी के लिए एक दृष्टी” में डॉ. कलाम ने उसे एक दस्तावेजी स्वरूप दिया|..

Nail Art Event organized by Adharika Samaj Vikas Sanstha, Mumbai, Maharashtra on 13th May 2017.

Under PMKVY 2.0 program, which is running successfully across India, we organize a lot of fun activities as part of the stress busting initiative for our students. In the same regard, NYCS Ltd. has been successful in conducting a Nail Art Event for our 6th Batch students at NYCS- KOVIDA TRAINING CENTER C/o Adharika Samaj Vikas Sanstha - Mahavir Nagar, Next to Paawandham, Kandivali (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra on 13th May 2017...

Kaushalya Setu Abhiyan: Orientation Program held at Pune Maharashtra

NYCS Ltd. is delighted to announce that our ongoing Special Project Kaushalya Setu Abhiyan is receiving great response in the state of Maharashtra and is leaping ahead with candidates showing great energy and eagerness to learn. The Orientation Program for the same was held on 30th April 2017 at Hiraman Bankar Vidyalaya and Junior College, Sukh Sagar Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra...

Perception Of Intelligence

The SSC and HSC exams are round the corner and a few months later the results will be out too. There will be varied reactions to the marks that students score. “Oh Wow!!”, will exclaimed someone for a student who would score a bit above 80 percent. For someone else who would range between 85 to 90 percent it will asserted that “The child is smart and these marks show his/her intelligence.” Appreciations will keep roaring for the 90 plus scorers and for the top crème who would manage a victorious ..